Welcome to Kuada

Kolhapur Urban Area Development Authority is established under Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966, under section 42(A) to 42(G), vide Government Notification, Urban development Department–TPS-2117/24/C.R.96/17/UD-13 Dt. 16/08/2017.
Purpose of Establishing –
Kolhapur Urban Area Development Authority is established to secure well planned development in 42 villages surrounding Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (37 villages from Karveer Taluka and 5 from Hatkangle Taluka) KUADA is the “Planning Authority” for the Area under its Jurisdiction.

Powers and Functions of KUADA

• Preparation and execution of Town Planning Schemes.
• To control and approval of development permissions.
• To execute works in connection with water supply, sewerage and other related services and amenities.
• To acquire, hold, manage and dispose of property, movable or immovable etc. as per section 42(F) of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966.


Members of the Kolhapur Urban Area Development Authority


Annual Turnround


Business Planning


Winning Awards

New Projects